We meet at 10:30am at Highlands School, N21 1QQ (click here for a map). There’s always somebody ready to greet you and make sure you know where to go. Our services are informal and very friendly. You can take part in as much or as little as you are comfortable with. There are groups for children and refreshments after the service.
What to expect
Anybody is welcome to our services. There is no dress code and you don’t need to do anything or know anything in advance. Somebody will welcome you at the door, and when you enter the school hall you’ll be offered a service sheet and a Bible. You can sit wherever you like.
We try to start promptly at 10:30, but you should definitely still come in if you’re running late! The service leader will guide us through the service and other people will come up to the front to take part – for example in leading our prayers, reading the Bible, or preaching to us. After the first few minutes of the service, the children and their leaders will leave us to go to their groups.
We always have a sermon based on the Bible reading, which should be relevant to our everyday lives. We believe that God speaks to us today when we hear the Bible read and preached, and that it is as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago. The sermon is usually 20-25 minutes long.
About once a month, we share Communion together – sharing bread and wine as Jesus did with his disciples the night before he died. If you are a Christian you are welcome to receive the bread and the wine.
We would love you to join us!