What we believe
We believe that Jesus Christ offers good news to every person in this world.
Not one of us deserves anything good from God, but by his grace in Jesus he offers us forgiveness, life and hope. Jesus’ death on the cross was in the place of anyone who trusts in him. God speaks to us today as we read the Bible, and he equips us by his Holy Spirit to live for him.
The church is a family of those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ. We meet together on Sundays and during the week to encourage one another in our faith.
We are committed to sharing the message of Jesus with the world, and especially people who live and work in Highlands Village.
We are an Anglican church in the Church of England, and everybody is welcome. Our Church Council is signed up to the Jerusalem Declaration from Gafcon, a global group of Anglican Christians.
The Council has passed a resolution under the House of Bishops’ Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests in order to reflect its convictions on the distinctive ministry of men and women.